Detailed Information

Projects Eligibility Criteria

All projects will be judged in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the objectives and eligible activities of the OPRD, Priority Axis 1 and the JESSICA Holding Fund Bulgaria (“JHFB”) Investment Strategy;
  • Compliance with the requirements for the provision of state aid, according to the applicable Bulgarian legislation and the legislation of the European Union;
  • Compliance with the approved by the municipalities in 2014, integrated plans for urban regeneration and development;
  • Revenue generating potential;
  • Significance in terms of social and economic impact;
  • Overall sustainability;
  • Economic viability;
  • Motivation and competence of Project sponsor and manager
  • Relevance to the Investment Policy objectives of the Fund and the credit policy of the co-financing bank;

Project proposals are considered in the order in which they are received corresponding to the available financial resources.